Newborn Sleep Shaping

Newborn Sleep Shaping

While I don’t recommend sleep training before a baby is 18 weeks old, there are lots of ways you can gently support your baby to learn independent sleep and develop healthy sleep habits. The key is to practice little and often.

As every baby is different, it is important to learn over time what sleepy cues your baby shows. It can take a little bit of time to figure them all out as some can be quite subtle. Following age appropriate wake windows is also going to ensure your baby is getting the sleep they need when they need it, avoiding common problems like over tiredness. When a baby starts getting over-tired, their body releases Cortisol, which acts a bit like adrenalin with the ‘fight or flight’ response. Cortisol makes it much harder for a baby to fall asleep, which is why an overtired baby is so much harder to get to sleep, it can cause them a lot of frustration hence the crying and distress.

Use my helpful Sleep Needs Chart - click here.

4 Top Tips for Sleep Shaping

1. Set up consistent rhythms and cues, the more exposure a baby has to the sleep habits and environments you want to establish, the more they learn.

2. Practice putting a baby down when they begin to get drowsy.

3. Let your baby be in their sleep space for a few minutes even when they start slightly fussing.

4. Reassurance lets them know you are right there and will always return.

5. Use soothing techniques such as patting, shhing, stroking, to encourage them back to sleep.

Remember this is a journey, it is not about getting them sleeping independently straight away, it's about giving them plenty of opportunity to learn whilst being right there to reassure and soothe.

Good luck on your sleep journey and don’t forget to soak up all those newborn snuggles. They are the best.

Keri x

Keri Rock

Child Sleep Consultant & Holistic Health Coach

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